Tuesday, October 23, 2012

There's Something Happening Here

What it is ain't exactly clear.  For Tuesday, please write a one paragraph (approximately 500 characters) course description for TOK.  Think about what we do, how we do it, and why we're here (in the course, not in existence.  That's a different course).  If you wish, this could also be an opportunity to suggest reshapings of the course: describe what it is and what it could or should be.


  1. The Theory of Knowledge course is one where students begin to discover their own ways of thinking. Students are encouraged to expand their minds and start thinking outside of their own realm of knowledge and dive into something new. Through reading of world issues students are able to come across these new ways of thinking and start their process of becoming a well rounded thinker.

  2. The Theory of Knowledge is a course that students discuss topics that are not commonly discussed in other high school academic classes. Students can discover many aspects of knowledge that they have not thought about before. During this process of absorbing various opinions, students can both deepen and widen their thinking of the nature of knowledge, and how knowledge connects to humans. They may also start to approach this world from different point of view(s).

  3. The Theory of Knowledge is a philosophical course that provokes students to question ingrained beliefs and express their personal opinions. In class, discussions and articles lead students to question what it means to know, the different ways they can know and factors that affect their knowing. By taking the course, students gain the ability to form their own opinions and arrive at their own conclusions.

  4. The International Baccalaureate program includes an essential course called Theory of Knowledge. In this course students explore their ways of knowing and how they come to these conclusions. Students do this by investigating and responding specifically to articles and audio that address important issues. The issues in the responses are not quite as important as the conclusions drawn from them and the ways the students came to these conclusions.


  5. The Theory of Knowledge is a key element in the completion of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. This a course that examines the realities of how we think and how we know what we know- (this is the question the course is centralized around). Through reading articles and having discussions we open our minds to the unknown. It helps us become more aware of ourselves as thinkers, and it’s a core component because it helps connect all academic subjects making us well-rounded learners.

  6. Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is a course where one's ignorance towards possibilities is thinned. TOK requires its participants to challenge the thoughts of his or her own and of others and to become conscience of how they are thinking, not only what. In the course students question the reality of knowledge and in that must draw a conclusion of whether there is a reality. Many of the discussions have no ending. All of the topics are based on opinions. In the end, students will be able to support their knowledge claims having examined and analyzed all underlying assumptions and their implications.

  7. In the Theory of Knowledge course students have no choice but to question a lot learned and how they learned it. Through studying the way people think the proverbial rug is ripped out from under ones feet and one is left to form their own opinions about commonly held beliefs or essential knowledge questions. TOK provides the background necessary to analyze complex theories and short texts which contribute to the understanding of what the course entails.


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