Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What if they held a blog party and nobody posted?

We've begun to define the course together and as your last posts show, you have a strong grasp of the ways we are thinking and approaching both issues and knowledge.  For Thursday morning, let's all take Jane's advice: post a question that you would like us to tackle together.  Delve into your bags of thinky awesomeness and pull out a stumper.  We'll chew on some of them together on Thursday and use that process as a way of beginning our relationship with formal logic.


  1. If God concocted nature, is nature natural in the sense that it was invented and that it was invented by a supernatural power?

  2. What is our role as human beings in the universe? To what extent does our existence influence the whole universe?

  3. Where does right and wrong come from? How do we categorize actions as being right or wrong?

  4. Are we who we are because we were born this way or because we became this way?

  5. Is there a power greater that human power?

  6. What does it mean to be afraid, to fear something or to be scared? On Halloween people dress up and "scare" people and many go through a haunted house and watch "scary" movies. Is that type of being "scared" the same as the "fear" one may have when they are about to sky dive? Or when you say no to something that a coach tells you you can do but you refuse anyway because you are "scared" or "afraid" to try? Are all types of being "afraid", to fear something or to be scared?

  7. Is there such a thing as truth or is there only perspective?


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